4G Capital Joins 150 Other Financial Institutions to Promote SME Finance

Washington, D.C. January 29, 2019 –  4G Capital became the newest member of the SME Finance Forum, a global membership network that brings together financial institutions, technology companies, and development finance institutions to share knowledge, spur innovation, and promote the growth of SMEs. 

“200 million businesses worldwide need financing to invest, grow and create new jobs. We are proud to have 4G Capital join our network of 150 members who work to expand access to finance for small and medium businesses,” said Matthew Gamser, CEO of the Forum. 

4G Capital has been operating in Kenya since 2013, empowering micro and small businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa to grow and succeed by providing working capital loans with financial education. The company uses its own proprietorial fintech platform to deliver an expanding range of business products and services directly to small business owners and in partnerships with global brand distributors. 

“4G Capital specializes in Micro and SME Finance,” said Wayne Hennessey-Barrett, Founder and CEO of 4G Capital. “Scaling now across the region, we wish to support the important thought leadership and investment ecosystem both in Sub-Saharan Africa and globally.” 

This year, 4G Capital has expanded to begin operations in Uganda and has been described by a number of institutional investors and media commentators as 'Africa's only profitable fintech.’ 

To see all SME Finance Forum members, please visit: https://www.smefinanceforum.org/members/member-list 

About SME Finance Forum 
The SME Finance Forum was established by the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) in 2012 as a knowledge center for data, research and best practice in promoting SME finance. As an implementing partner for the GPFI, the International Finance Corporation (IFC) was tasked with managing the initiative. In 2015, the SME Finance Forum partnered with CapitalPlus Exchange to expand and upgrade the former Small Business Banking Network. 

About 4G Capital
4G Capital has been operating in Kenya since 2013, empowering micro and small businesses in Sub-Saharan Africa. The company uses data from multiple sources to design credit products at scale which are optimized for segments, business risk, timescale and affordability. 4G Capital is expanding services to include insurance, mobile money management and a digital business toolkit to connect clients with the on-demand online economy. 

Media Contact 
Carmen Smith 


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