B2B Finance & Alternative Delivery Channels - Mistral Mobile

The mobile phone revolutionizes the economics of financial services and payments to reach, capture and serve consumers by harnessing the 5+ billion people who own a mobile phone today. Whether to enhance the convenience of an existing consumer or tapping tomorrow’s wealth, the mobile phone is the leapfrogging channel to reach consumers.
Mobile financial services and payments are difficult to scale given the high barriers. Most mobile financial service solutions rely either on a mobile operator or rare technologies and therefore can only serve a limited portion of the population. Mistral Mobile eliminates these technical and business constraints to securing reach everyone.
Mistral Mobile’s mobile solutions are used by retail, issuing and acquiring banks and financial services companies. Mistral Mobile’s Money Mobility Suite™ is based decades of experience with mobile technologies and deep knowledge of financial services requirements. The Suite includes products for mobile banking, agent banking, mobile money and mobile POS. Mistral Mobile’s m-AegisTM solution provides multi-factor binding for mobile applications requiring high-confidence device and subscriber integrity whether for payments, banking or critical non-financial environments.
Mistral Mobile was founded by former Nokia Mobile Financial Services leaders who believe in the power of combining financial services and mobility to alter the economics of retail banking and payments while having socio-economic benefits to societies and individuals around the world. Mistral Mobile is a privately held corporation with offices in New York City, USA, Oulu, Finland and Mumbai, India.
