Congo, Democratic Republic


-0.228021, 15.827659

Financial Services for Everyone - Agent Banking in the Democratic Republic of Congo

Banks generally consider poor customers too risky and too expensive to serve. Employing an innovative business model of agent banking and biometric technology, micro-finance bank FINCA is bringing formal financial services to the poor in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Even low income people now have a safe place to save money, earn interest and manage economic decisions.

Lending in the Congo: Inspiration from Rwanda

A thin ray of hope is emerging today from The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), one of the most war-ravaged and anarchic countries in the world.
Today, a revival of the country’s coffee industry is bringing peace, hope and better livelihoods to battle-scarred farmers living in the fertile, eastern highlands of the Lake Kivu region, just across Rwanda’s border. Root Capital is proud to play a part in this nascent and fragile renaissance with the recent financing of three far-reaching smallholder coffee farmer associations, Sopacdi, Muungano and Furaha.

RAWBANK - Lady's First

RAWBANK has established a programme intended for Small and Medium Enterprises in Democratic Republic of Congo in order to encourage enterprise and create a favourable business environment. 

« Lady’s First » is part of this approach for encouraging female enterprise. It is characterised by its aim to:

  • Improve women entrepreneurs’ access to financial services,
  • Improve women’s managerial skills through training,
  • Facilitate women’s access to the market and to information.