Data and Statistics

Future Of Business Survey

The Future of Business survey is a collaboration between Facebook, the OECD and the World Bank to provide timely insights on the perceptions, challenges, and outlook of online Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The Future of Business survey was first launched as a monthly survey in 17 countries in February 2016 and expanded to 42 countries in 2018. In 2019, the Future of Business survey increased coverage to 97 countries and moved to a bi-annual cadence.

Report: Fintechs Taking Large Chunk of SME Lending Sector

According to a survey of 2000 directors at UK SMEs, almost half of UK SMEs (49%) would seek financing from non-bank lenders as they begin to better understand the business models of companies in this space, including fintechs. 

A Leeds-based fintech known as Rebuilding Society, founder Dan Rajkumar, recently said:  “When you are a business and you borrow from a bank that agreement is with the bank and it can call it in at any time. They also take quite a high margin with low savings rates,” explained Rajkumar.  “I created Rebuilding Society to give everyone a better deal.”

Digital Finance Evidence Gap Map (EGM) 2.0

There are two views of the EGM. The first view ‘Digital Finance Studies’ shows the total number of studies that were conducted on a particular product, plotted against the client outcomes which were tested. The objective with this view is to give the user an overview of the impact literature on digital finance and highlight which digital finance products were examined, against what outcomes and how frequently.

Study: Men More Likely to be Business Owners than Women in Britain

A new study seen exclusively by Yahoo Finance UK shows how difficult it is for women in Britain, compared to men, to start their own business.

Yahoo says, men are three times more likely than women to have over £250,000 ($320,479) of investible assets – essential capital for getting a business started – according to private equity house IW Capital. Their 2018 Women’s Entrepreneurship Index has also shown how men are 52% more likely than women to have more start-up capital than their parents.

TUHF Annual Integrated Report 2018

TUHF's Integrated Annual Report is used to communicate with their stakeholders, primarily their funders and They use it to explain their performance, strategy and prospects, and compiled it according to International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework. This report covers the performance of the Trust for Urban Housing Finance Non-Profit Company (TUHF NPC) and its commercial subsidiaries, collectively referred to as the Group, over the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018, with comparatives shown where available.

The State of Financial Inclusion in India

Medici examines the widening financial gap in India and their lack of push for institutional credit for consumers. With consumer debt to GDP at only 17 percent, India falls behind major economies of Asia Pacific.

According to the article, “In the absence of institutional credit at fair interest rates for a majority of the population, people at the bottom of the pyramid are left devoid of opportunities and fail to be included in the financial system.”

Key contributing factors to this issue of financial inclusion include:

Women are at the Top of Their Game in the SME Industry

Women in the Western Cape are dominating the SME industry. According to the article, “women-owned businesses experienced 50 percent more growth than businesses owned by men in the Western Cape.” This boost can be contributed to women making smarter investment decisions, according to a survey conducted by Retail Capital. Key points revealed in the survey regarding women entrepreneurs were: 

The Economics of Banking on Women: 2018 Edition

This report is based on information gathered in the GBA’s Women’s Market Analytics Survey — the only collection of global banking data measuring the performance of financial institutions serving the Women’s Market, with four years of performance data and over 400 data points per institution. This second edition of the report bears out several trends that emerged in the previous edition, highlighting the strong business opportunity the Women's Market represents.

Research: Small Business Financial Buffer

Nearly a third (28%) of small business owners don’t feel financially confident unless they have a buffer big enough to cover running costs for a year, according to new research from credit card machine provider Paymentsense. The study found that despite this, more than four in 10 small business owners (41%) admit to having no such buffer in place, meaning as many as 2.3m UK small businesses may have no financial backup plan.

Bank loans accounted for 14 percent, while asset-based lending/factoring/invoice finance accounted for 16 percent of financial buffer.