

The Ideal SME Finance Deal

Tips and tools are revealed on how SMEs should approach seeking finance along with strategies to improve their success with gaining finance. 

Utilizing online resources and guides can help SMEs learn more about alternative finance options. 

“Industry associations such as the Federation of Small Businesses and Enterprise Nation, as well as local growth hubs or chambers of commerce, could also be a great first point of contact for businesses keen to find out more about the options,” said Juliette Peyraud, Senior Account Manager at Spotcap UK.

Global Remittances Are On The Rise

Global remittances are expected to rise from $468 billion in 2010 to $667 billion in 2019 along with new investment channels bringing in an extra $73 billion a year in Commonwealth countries.

Crowdfunding platforms have the potential to make a significant difference for SMEs in developing countries, however rules and regulations around crowdfunding in these countries are non-existent, according to the article.

TUHF Annual Integrated Report 2018

TUHF's Integrated Annual Report is used to communicate with their stakeholders, primarily their funders and They use it to explain their performance, strategy and prospects, and compiled it according to International Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC) Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework. This report covers the performance of the Trust for Urban Housing Finance Non-Profit Company (TUHF NPC) and its commercial subsidiaries, collectively referred to as the Group, over the period 1 April 2017 to 31 March 2018, with comparatives shown where available.

Effective Risk Assessment Models and Alternative Data Proves Beneficial for Retail Lenders

Effective risk assessment is instrumental in the lending business. According to Medici, technology companies are creating risk assessment models with increasingly inclusive variables that are allowing lenders to reach the previously unbankable population.

Alternative data can improve risk assessment for retail lenders. According to the article, retail lenders can deploy alternative data technology for better customer service delivery, capturing new segments, improving cost efficiency, and enhancing the underwriting process.

CreditEase China: Big Data Makes What Once Seemed Impossible, Possible

Founded 12 years ago, CreditEase offers inclusive finance and wealth management for SMEs. The China-based fintech company provides products and services such as: payment, technology, marketplace lending, crowdfunding, robo-advisory services, insurance technology and blockchain products and services.  

With a US $1.890 billion financing gap for China’s 56 million MSMEs, the need for fintechs and entrepreneurs is pertinent. 

Member News: Funding Circle Partners on New Reporting Platform

SME Finance Forum member, Funding Circle partnered with top fintech reporting and analytics platform, dv01. 

According to the article, the partnership will allow institutional investors who use dv01 to conduct analysis on marketplace lending and mortgage loans and bonds to access Funding Circle's US SME loan performance data on dv01. Investors will have around the clock access to updated loan level performance and composition details through Funding Circle’s data.

Shanghai Zhaoxi Network Technology Co., Ltd. Joins 140 Other Financial Institutions to Promote SME Finance

Washington, D.C. September 25, 2018 –  Shanghai Zhaoxi Network Technology Co., Ltd. (Zhaoxi) became the newest member of the SME Finance Forum, a global membership network that brings together financial institutions, technology companies, and development finance institutions to share knowledge, spur innovation, and promote the growth of SMEs. 

Member News: CEO of Standard Chartered Bank Shares His Plans for the Region and Strategic Partnerships Opportunities

In an interview with Bloomberg BusinessWeek, regional CEO of Africa and the Middle East for Standard Chartered Bank, Sunil Kaushal shared his plans and partnerships with India and UAE.

Kaushal shared,“Mmy vision is to build up a business which delivers a solid result and generates the right returns for all our stakeholders – but on a sustainable basis with a strong foundation of controls and compliance.”

Member News: OPIC Approves Close to $900 Million To Expand Access to Financial Services to Africa, Asia and Latin America

SME Finance Forum member, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) approved approximately $895 million in financing and political risk insurance that will benefit Africa, Asia and Latin America in energy, healthcare, housing and financial services, according to a release by OPIC.

The funds will contribute to the following OPIC initiatives: 2X Women’s Initiative, the Connect Africa Initiative, the Northern Triangle Initiative and the Indo-Pacific Initiative.

Survey Finds Funding Gap is Stifling Small Business Growth in Australia

Research from SME Finance Forum member Xero revealed, that SMEs in Australia would borrow $80 billion over the next year, if funding was available. According to the research, SMEs reasoning for difficulty borrowing from a lender include:

  • 55 percent finding an affordable loan
  • 41 percent manually providing financials to a lender
  • 40 percent finding a willing lender

The Xero State of Lending report showed, one in five small business owners stating access to capital as the greatest hurdle or perceived threat for long-term growth aspirations.